Digitalization in sports business

Engage fans, optimize workflows, generate revenue

The digitalization has a profound impact on the sports business: Changes in existing business models, processes, and working methods are just some of the aspects that pose significant challenges for broadcasters, media companies, professional clubs, sports associations, and rights holders.

As a leading transformation partner, we support these stakeholders throughout the entire value chain in successfully leveraging digital transformation. We aim to maximize unprecedented growth opportunities that arise from the perfect interplay of content, artificial intelligence, and data intelligence.

New era, new challenges

Innovation and adaptability
The rapidly advancing technology demands continuous innovation and adaptability. Organizations need to be flexible to keep pace with constantly changing technologies and consumer preferences.

Monetization and competition
The abundance of digital platforms and content leads to intense competition for viewer attention. Monetization opportunities must be carefully selected and strategically implemented.

Infrastructure and technology
Delivering high-quality digital content requires robust infrastructure and advanced technologies.

Investments and resources
Transitioning to digital platforms requires investments in technology, staff training, and the development of new content.

Changes in viewer behavior
Altered viewer behavior, particularly the rise of on-demand content and mobile platforms, necessitates adjustments to traditional broadcasting models. Content monetization must align with these changes.

Privacy and security
Collecting and utilizing viewer data comes with privacy risks. Companies must ensure compliance with privacy regulations and guarantee the security of collected information.

Digital rights management and piracy
Managing and securing digital broadcasting rights can be complex, with the threat of piracy and illegal streaming services increasing. This can lead to revenue losses and quality issues.

Regulatory challenges
Regulation in the realm of digital broadcasting rights and online advertising can be intricate. Companies must ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.

Opportunities of digital transformation

To overcome these challenges, a strategic approach is needed – along with the ability to adapt flexibly to the constantly changing digital landscape. We empower companies to take advantage of the benefits of digitalization in the sports business. For instance, by assisting them with tasks such as:

Address target audiences, increase reach
Distribute content through cloud playout automation across digital platforms to expand your reach and engage your audience more precisely.
Create interactive and immersive experiences
Present personalized content, including interactive feeds, video alerts, and timelines, using innovative applications to strengthen fan engagement.
Analyze data, personalize content
Utilize data-driven analyses of viewer behavior to create personalized content and offerings for fans.
Monetize content
Establish new monetization models such as subscriptions, pay-per-view, and advertising through linear live, pop-up, and FAST channels.
Reduce waste coverage – on air and in stadiums
Through the integration of innovative technologies, address target audiences without loss of coverage and in real-time – on digital platforms and live in the stadium.

How to make it happen? With tailor-made products!

Captivate fans, optimize workflows, tap into new revenue streams: We develop customized solutions, implement them into your workflows, and accompany you along the entire media supply chain.

We have innovative technology that enables you to meet viewer needs and enhance operational efficiency – including cloud solutions, OTT products, and interactive applications with AI integration.


The multiple award-winning solution for personalized sports broadcasts: Each individual viewer decides which content is relevant to them.

Customizable Bundesliga broadcasts

Configure the Bundesliga conference according to your preferences, replay highlight scenes anytime, access clickable graphics and live game data: The DFL Interactive Feed enhances the first-screen experience with numerous additional information.


With the help of generative AI, TV Buddy answers individual user questions about live events – directly on the mobile or stationary device. The attention stays where it should be: on your own platform. For more engagement and dwell time.

Use Case: Game-changing OTT streaming platform

Television New Zealand innovates the way to watch live sports

Television New Zealand (TVNZ) has lifted live sports broadcasting to a new level by teaming up with Qvest to unveil a cutting-edge OTT streaming platform.

Offering exclusive live coverage of national and international sports events, TVNZ has redefined the viewer experience with a dynamic and scalable solution. Fueled by a passion for delivering top-notch content, TVNZ joined forces with Qvest to carve out a distinctive niche within their TVNZ+ platform.

Kym Niblock Chief Product & Information Officer at TVNZ

Launching a comprehensive sports hub on TVNZ+ within a condensed timeframe was our vision. The Qvest solution exceeded our expectations in terms of efficiency, flexibility, and customer focus. The feedback from our customers has been fantastic, and we're thrilled with the offering we've delivered

End-to-end support for the sports industry

We provide you with state-of-the-art media infrastructures and tailored solutions for production workflows, media asset management, distribution, and monetization. With over 3,500 international technology projects, we have more than demonstrated our expertise.

Qvest designs, develops, and implements solutions for content capture, encoding, data transport, ingest, remote editing, visual effects, production management, and storage.

We provide tools for media orchestration, quality control, metadata architecture, digital publishing, archiving, encoding, transcoding and packaging, digital asset management, playout automation, DRM and CA, fingerprinting, distribution watermarking, as well as media asset and control management.

Our portfolio includes the development of infrastructures and software solutions for online video platforms, newsroom, traffic and scheduling, monitoring and data analysis, content delivery network, as well as video and audio playback.

We implement solutions for subscriber management, billing & paywall, rights & permissions, data management & engineering, ad management, subscriber retention, and business analysis.

Alessandro Reitano Senior Vice President Sports Production, Sky

The customized solution that we developed and implemented together with Qvest has significantly eased our everyday production operations.

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